The Fall Symphonic Band and Jazz Concert scheduled for tomorrow has been POSTPONED.
More information on the rescheduled date to come out soon!
Congratulations to the Peterson family for being drawn as the winners of the pizza oven for completing the Returning Student Registration! We hope your family enjoys some yummy pizza! 🍕
Good morning Bobcats!
We are back with the second week of Positivity Month!
At Cienega: We are respectful and trustworthy!
Hey Bobcats!
Would you like to bump your first quarter grade up? Students with a grade of D or F in a Non-honors, Non-AP, Non-Dual Enrollment course can sign up to take intersession! Intersession is in person on Monday and Tuesday, September 23 and 24 from 9:00-1:00 at Cienega and online on Wednesday and Thursday, September 25 and 26. Intersession is free!!
Sign up here: UpUwJBV7
HEY Bobcats!
Make sure to come on out and support your Lady Bobcats tonight as they take on Rincon/University girls volleyball!
Good morning Bobcats!☀️
We love seeing all the acts of kindness this week as you all show that you care about each other! Lets keep the momentum going with today's positivity challenge day 3!
Continuing on with positivity month! This week we are covering the C in our CAT statement. At Cienega we Care about each other! 💗
September is POSITIVITY MONTH! 🎉🎉
Each day this month we will be posting positive messages and challenges, so be sure to keep an eye out!
At Cienega we care about each other! 💓
Hey Cats,
Just a friendly reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 2nd in observation of Labor Day.
We will see all your smiling faces on Tuesday!
We hope you enjoy a great, long weekend with your families!
Join us tonight as we kick off our 24/25 football season! 🏈
It's Game Day! 🏈🧡💙
Join us tonight as we kick off the first football game of the 24/25 season!
Game starts at 7PM!
Congratulations to Ashley Michalski for being the recipient of a grant from the Vail School District Foundation this month! This grant will go towards a "Bobcat Cafe" program in our life skills classroom where a coffee delivery service will be created and run by students disabilities. ☕️🐾🧡💙
Taco THURSDAY?? Yes, please!! Every day is a good day for some yummy tacos!
Head on out to Taqueria 2 Hermanos, grab some yummy tacos and show them this flyer to support our award winning Cienega Instrumental Music Program!
Please refer to the flyer below for details! 🌮🎶
Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up, Wednesday, September 11th.
Every year Cienega HS CatFRAT PTO shows appreciation to our teachers by providing a meal for them. We would like it if you could support us by providing a few items.
We also need volunteers to set-up, serve lunch to our staff and clean-up after.
Please see the sign up link below.
Thanks for your support for Bobcat Nation!!
CHS Softball will be hosting a fundraiser! Stop by and visit them at the concession stand on Friday at our first Home Football game of the season!
Good morning Bobcats,
Just a friendly reminder that Wednesday, August 28th will be a half day!
School will be dismissed at 1PM and the buses will be departing at 1:10PM.
Have a great weekend Bobcats!
Hey Bobcats!
Tomorrow is the last day to submit your design entry into our Cat Statement Poster contest!
Please submit your design entry to Principal Middleton's office in the 100 building by Tomorrow, August 22nd at 4pm!
Good luck Bobcats!
Congratulations to Mrs. Dixon on receiving a grant from the Vail School District Foundation!
Each year VSDF provides numerous classroom grants to help teachers create positive and meaningful experiences for VUSD students.
Starting Monday, we will begin to collect books for the Friends of the Esmond Station Library (FESL) Book Drive!
You can drop your books off in the front office!
We will be participating in the annual Vail School District Diaper Drive once again this year!
Start stocking up on those diapers and be sure to drop them off in the front office!